Time To Get Out Of Dodge? – Relocate Ahead Of The Collapse

Peak Oil? Economic Collapse? Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. Maybe it’s Relocation, Relocation, Relocation.

With many people predicting a serious economic depression, and others equally–or also–concerned about the approaching depletion of oil production (“Peak Oil” – For full information, see Dry Dipstick at www.drydipstick.com), you might consider moving to a quieter, more sustainable, less oil-dependent location.

Of course you might be fine livin…

How To Create Financial Freedom

Achieve Financial Freedom with Feng Shui

It’s the middle of the month and you are still struggling to pay the mortgage, car payment, and make sure the electric company doesn’t turn off your power. The kids need new clothes and shoes; the fridge is bare, and just once you want to be able to get through a month of bills without the never-ending agony. You’ve been there, you know you have. We all have. Most families and individuals struggle financially from time or time or co…

Six Ways to Prioritize your Work

Prioritizing your work is an extremely important part of being successful. By organizing your work, you will find it less difficult to finish. You will also be less likely to procrastinate, which is a damaging behavior you should always avoid. Knowing what needs to be done and the most efficient order for finishing your tasks is the best way to begin your day. Try making a list each morning of your tasks for the day. There are several ways you can prioritize your tasks. You can try one of

Work Life Balance: The Gift Of Too Much To Do

People are always asking me how I get everything done. How do I find the time to read so much? How can I travel and attend trainings while keeping up with my practice? How do I manage to write my blog and Authentic Promotion newsletter? How do I maintain work life balance that has become the Holy Grail of our times? In this article, I am gladly sharing one of my “secrets.”

Little Known Stress Management Tips & Techniques: How To Relax More & Worry Less

What is Stress?

To understand the need for stress management, we must first understand stress. When a person is in danger, the body reacts, preparing to defend itself. The heart rate increases, blood pressure climbs higher, breathing becomes faster and blood flows to the muscles. This is great if a fierce dog is chasing you, because it gives you additional energy to get out of harm’s way. Unfortunately, the body reacts in the same way in response to daily problems and cha…

Occupational Stress Management

There are many people in the world who can not stand where they work. Their occupation causes them no end of stress and can leave them struggling to get to sleep at night. There are also many days taken off sick through stress related illnesses. It is now time for people to deal with these issues and to start to react in a more positive and proactive way.

Work Life Balance: 9 Quick Tips for Managing Overwhelm

If you feel that your work life balance is teetering on the edge; isn’t it time to make changes before the problems overwhelm you? Whether or not you own your own business, life is often overwhelmingly rich. I wish you joy in the dance as you move with order and disorder, discipline and insight, gracefully maintaining work life balance.

Yes, You Can!

If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions change…like the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at any endeavor, you must stay the course…no matter the cost! Here are some surefire tips to help you stay the course.