The Great Sheep Uprising

PREAMBLE: The only way to take control of your life, raise your standard of living and move beyond merely surviving is to create your own unique product or service that you offer to increasing numbers of people in exchange for the things of value that you desire. This simple formula applies to countries as well as people. A self-sufficient economy has its own products or services of value to export to the world. Similarly, a self-sufficient individual has something of value t…

It’s in the habits!

The true and free secret to success. How I learned the lesson that changed my life.

The Secret to the Rich Jerk’s Success

We’ve all seen this Rich Jerk guy floating around the net claiming he’s worth millions. But how does he do it? What is the secret to the Rich Jerk’s success?

Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life.

Have you ever given up on a dream because you’ve listened to that ‘little voice’ in your head that tells you that you ‘can’t do it’ or ‘what’s the point?’ That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner ‘mom’ worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can’t do it, what…

Goal Setting Adds Purpose To Your Online Business

People used to come to my high school and talk about how important it was to have goals. “You have to set realistic but ambitious goals for your life in order to feel fulfilled with life.” I am paraphrasing, of course, because in high school I was a young punk and never paid attention at those assemblies. I was just happy to get out of class. But as I’ve grown and matured, I have begun to realize what they really meant by “goals”. Goal setting can be an essential part of ever…

Write down your goals on paper!

Every person should write down his or her goals. Business goals, personal goals, income goals, and what ever you want to achieve in your life. If you want to achieve something in your life, don’t just think about it. Get a nice piece of paper and write down the goal.

Fuel for Thought

With gasoline prices as high as they are, calls for action against the oil giants are circulating in cyberspace. Here’s a much better method of addressing the issue.

Rising Gas Prices Have You Down? Work From Home And Save Money At The Pump

With soaring gas prices fueling the strong need to work from home, now is the perfect time to become the business owner you always dreamed about. Think how great that short commute to your home-based office would be for those of you who can no longer afford to travel. You not only save money, but you get to experience the thrill of being your own boss and earning the kind of money you know you are worth.

One of the top businesses to start at home today is virtual assisting…

Improve Your Productivity With Healthy Living

Living a healthy lifestyle will not only make us feel better physically and mentally, but it can also greatly improve our productivity at home and work as well. Many people think they lack the time (or money) that it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle, but the fact is that it is far easier than one might think. Making small, simple changes that lead to a healthy lifestyle is as easy as taking a look at what we put in our bodies and how we treat ourselves on a day-to-day basis….