Top 15 Ways Solo-prenuers Use Virtual Assistants

Your time and money are worth more when you are able to concentrate on what you do best and leave the rest to an assistant. Virtual office assistants work from their own home-based offices and are highly trained in their skill areas as well as a variety of technologies. Many of them have advanced degrees as well as years of professional experience. Not only can a virtual assistant relieve you of mundane, everyday tasks, but also in many cases, s/he can even help you grow your business.

What Makes A Successful Home Business Entrepreneur?

Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs and home business owners possess the following characteristics. Do you?

1. Do you have Self-confidence?
This is the magical power of having confidence in yourself and in your strengths and abilities. This isn’t bravado or braggadocio but an unshakeable belief in yourself.

2. Are you Achievement Oriented?
Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. You concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomp…

7 Ways to Network Your Way Out Of a Job and Into a Work At Home Career

Do you think networking can only be used to find a new job? Not true. Networking is often an overlooked opportunity to find a way out of the rat race. If you want to look for a work at home career, connections can be a key to rapid success. Get the inside tips and discover 7 ways to network your way out of a job.

A Guide to Find Lucrative Data Entry Jobs

Just like any other home based business, data entry jobs can be very lucrative and profitable if the work is done with persistence, determination and motivation. This author lists out some important steps to find out lucrative online data entry jobs.

Building a Professional Image for Data Entry Jobs

A professional image for any business or career is very important as it involves the decision making process of customers whether to do business with the company or individual, or not. This article discusses about how important for you to build a professional image if you are into online data entry jobs.

Can I Work At Home With No Experience?

I see this question asked pretty frequently, and today I’d like to offer some tips about how to get started working at home when you have no experience.

– Consider the experience you do have, whether it’s work or life related. Chances are you know how to do SOMETHING, even if you haven’t done it in a job capacity. See if you can find jobs that would use the knowledge you have, or at least touch on them in some way.

– Aim for “easier” jobs to begin with, like outbound te…

Can You Really Get Paid To Test Video Games?

Among the flurry of get rich quick schemes and offers on the internet, you might find one telling you that you can “get paid to be a video game tester.” Is it just a scam?

Do You Like Your Job?

I don’t know if there are any concrete numbers on this topic but if I had to guess I would say that less than 25% of people like their jobs. Most people continue to go to work because they feel they have no other options. They are either lacking in the educational background to improve their situation or maybe they have overextended themselves financially and they have to keep working at a job they hate to support their lifestyle.

Whatever the reason is that you continue …