7 Leading Causes Of Stress
In 1967, Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, from the University of Washington, did a study on the connection between significant life events and illness. As part of that study, they compiled a chart of the major causes of stress. That chart, which contained 43 causes of stress in 1967, was updated to 55 causes in 2006. Apparently, society is finding more causes to feel stressed.
If you knew the leading causes of stress in your life, would you take action to eradicate th…
5 Tips for Surviving an Unfair Boss
Every job has stress, but the workplace environment can seem almost unbearable when working for an over-demanding or unfair boss.
Are You Worried You’re worrying too Much?
We all experience some stress in our lives every day, but if you find yourself worrying so much that you’re losing sleep and having a hard time concentrating at work, then it is time you took action.
Is Your Job Stressful? Add a Little Harmony
Every job has stress. Some stress is due to the nature of the job, some stress we apply to ourselves, and some stress is caused by those around us, be it demanding bosses, unreasonable customers or unproductive and scheming co-workers. So if workplace stress is a given, then how we handle this stress has a large impact on how well we perform and how much we enjoy our job.
Understand Work Stress Burnout And Take Control Today
Symptoms of work stress.
Happiness is the Path to the Productive Workplace
Employee productivity is hardly a measure of the number of hours the employee work. Neither is it totally dependent on the employee remuneration. The fact remains that employee productivity and loyalty are primarily determined by employee happiness and low stress levels. Work life balance is therefore a critical factor when improving the productivity of employees and their loyalty to the company
6 Ways to help your employees beat stress and work more
Most employers dream of having a well motivated enthusiatic workforce producing high quality products on time and within budget. It does not have to be a dream and sometimes only small changes can have a large impact. Here are 6 ways to improve morale and productivity in your workers.
Career – Are You Facing Burnout?
Chronic stress over a period of time may make you feel totally helpless and unable to cope up with demands of life.