Dating Struggles Of People Who Stammer
Forming relationships with members of the opposite sex is hard enough for many fluent people. Just think for a few moments about how difficult it is for people who suffer with the speech impediment known as stammering to have the confidence to form a long lasting relationship with a man/woman.
Are You Focusing On What You Really Want?
Imagine you’re happily driving down a country road on a clear, sunny day. Suddenly a semi truck crosses the center line and is heading right at you. Heart pounding and adrenaline rushing, you react. Will you avert disaster? Maybe. Maybe not. In this moment, your life depends on where you focus.
Professional driving instructors tell us that what people usually do in emergency situations is to stay focused on the object they are trying to avoid. In driving, where your eyes a…
Depression And The Signs Of Suicide
When you’re trying to lead a normal life and yet depression invades your every waking moment, the struggle of trying to pull off that charade can be more difficult than one could ever imagine.
Depression and the signs of suicide are unfortunately all too often items that go hand-in-hand.
People who do not either live with someone suffering from depression or battle depression themselves absolutely have no idea how dark the hole of depression is.
A truly difficult and…
Fight Depression – Discover Why A Stress Free And Happy Life Is Not Really That Hard To Achieve.
Each and everyone of us have the tendency to suffer from depression, but we all have different levels of tolerance to handle it. One person’s ability to handle and fight depression may not be the same as yours or mine. Now the question is, why do some people never even have to complain in having to fight depression at all, at the same time, manage to enjoy a happy and stress free life?
Although you and I just like everybody else out there hate depression, we must admit tha…
How To Calm Yourself In Stressful Situations
Has something stressful or upsetting happened to you recently? Maybe it was a fender bender car accident, or telling a friend she did something that hurt you, or being triggered by something your spouse said, or stepping on stage to make a presentation.
Even when you are following what lights you up and creating more of what you truly want in life, not every moment of every day will be filled with ease, joy, and pleasure. Each of us has moments, situations, and experiences…
Managing The Stress In Your Life
While we often worry about stress, not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress to make our lives interesting. And since there is no way to eliminate every commitment or deadline in our lives, we should try to control our stress levels in the best ways we can.
It would be nice if someone created a mathematical formula for stress that would measure how much stress an individual could take without become overwhelmed. Optimal stress levels vary from individual to…
The Ups And Downs Of Depression
Clinical depression is known to impact the lives of one out of every six people in their lifetime. But the sad reality is that the medical community still does not entirely understand exactly what causes depression to occur in one person and not in another.
Yes, we do know that depression is hereditary.
Depression can often be found to run throughout the generations of the same family invading the DNA molecules which make up a particular family’s genes. This causes the …
Are You Worried You’re worrying too Much?
We all experience some stress in our lives every day, but if you find yourself worrying so much that you’re losing sleep and having a hard time concentrating at work, then it is time you took action.
Child Stress Management Ideas
Many children suffer from various forms of stress and in this article I give advice on how parents can help their child during these periods. Their stress can cause them to have nightmares and to lose their self-confidence. I hope you find this article interesting and beneficial.
How To Reduce Stress And Ease Worries In Just 3 Minutes
Stress is everywhere, we know it’s unhealthy, and we know the conditions it can lead to. Many of us feel we really should do something about it, but the trouble with stress is when we’re in it’s grip it’s difficult to do much about anything.
Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with it’s disru…