Monumental Mistake #1:
Hugely Competitive Niche.

Here’s what happens. You’re learning from the so called guru’s about internet marketing and so naturally you choose to follow what they’re doing, which is to sell to the internet marketing market.

The problem with this is first of all, it’s a highly competitive market to start off your first few ventures with. It is possible to make money but you’re going up against all the top guns in marketing. Guys who have been in the trenches for years and years.

Remember, when you read the sales letter from the guy telling you, ‘I was broke and and fed up, so I started a business online and made buckets of cash in my first few months’, what they’re not usually telling you is that they were in direct marketing offline for years and years before they even got on the internet. Sure maybe they were broke at one time, we all were.

Bottom line is to try to find a niche outside this arena until you have some credibility built up and have had some success.

A good place to start looking is within the Health and Wellness industry. People are always looking to improve their health, and whether they follow the advice or not, when they’re not feeling well, they’re in the mood to buy something quick to make themselves feel better.

Also, because the baby-boomer generation is about to pop. More than 100 million consumers, plus your potential customers in North America, will be 50 and over in the next 5 years. They have and will continue to drive the market place so your best bet is to be ready for them, and what they’ll be looking for is health information. You may as well be the one to provide it right?

Now, this being an article on resale rights, the best place to get focused topics on the health and wellness industry is a site called Health Info Profits. You’ll get 2 new ready made products, and sales pages monthly plus a huge amount of valuable resources to help you along. So…

Resource #1 is at:

Monumental Mistake #2:
Leaving the Content “as is” on your resale rights packages.

There’s actually two mistakes in one here so pay attention. You definitely want to try to get Private Label Resale Rights packages so that you can change them as much as you want.

Here’s why:

Other people are going to buy the same packages that you are, so where does that leave you? Well, first with no credibility. You want to be able to add your own twist and voice into this thing. You want content that nobody else has.

So you ask, what the heck am I paying for then. The short answer is time. You bought the research time basically for 80% of the product, now you just want to add the extra 20% flare that will make this product your very own and give much more credibility that the guy who just slaps it up there. This equals more sales for you. Bottom line.

Also, the search engines are severely cracking down these days on duplicate info, and site with duplicate articles and information are dropping like flies. It may take a bit more time but it will pay off in droves in the end. Working smarter is the key.

Resources for mistake number two and for finding more info to add your own touch to the resale products are actually free. They are:


b) (If you’re going to target the health and wellness market this is a priceless resource for you.

Monumental Mistake #3:
Not building a list around your target niche market.

People think that it’s an easy sell. They now have the product in hand, they’ve sometimes got a pre-written sales page, so they set-up a Google Adwords account and drive traffic straight to the site. You may as well be an affiliate marketer if you’re going to do this. Besides that’s free.

If you’re not building a list to sale to over and over again you’re throwing tons of money down the drain. In fact, a good idea is to actually not even sale the product and just give it away free to build your list. (You must check the policies of the resale rights owner before doing this). But if it’s a Private Label Rights account then that’s usually perfectly fine.

If you really want to do the smart thing and build your list, but aren’t sure how to do it then go here. You’ll see the value right away and will never want to look back.

Resource #3

If you’re making any of these mistakes then you no longer have an excuse. You now know what you should be doing to put that extra money in your bank account.

Listen, why be lazy like everyone else when you can go that extra step and make tons more money with your Resale Rights Products. It’s up to you really. I would take the extra step.

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