The best time for marketing is when they aren’t buying.

Be realistic. If you aren’t selling the hottest new fashion or gizmo for holiday gift-giving, it’s hard to get anyone to think about buying your product or service from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Year’s. That’s a six week lean selling stretch for lots of sales professionals. When you are trying to hit your quarterly and year-end numbers that lean stretch can be tough to swallow.

No leader likes to see their team sitting around the office having a pity party. Instead, build this market reality into your schedule and ramp up your marketing activities during sales lulls.

Why should you invest in marketing to your target market when they aren’t buying?

  1. To stay front and center on their radar – especially if you target the corporate market.
  2. To increase their awareness of you
  3. To bring attention to you
  4. To highlight the added value you offer
  5. To generate a desire to continue to hear what you have to say

What kind of marketing can you do when no one is buying?

Your marketing team can use this time to plan and schedule all marketing strategies for 2006 and get them scheduled and booked.

Your sales team does not need to be idle during seasonal sales lulls either. Your sales force can use this time to research growth opportunities for the company and their own territories.

Marketing is not a passive activity. You have to keep the pipeline full. So, periodically, it is important to reflect and assess how to rejuvenate your marketing efforts. This lull between the holidays is a perfect time to focus on all the behind-the-scenes marketing activities that will make next year, your best year yet!

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