People are nowadays fascinated with color and creative designs. The more attractive and colorful an object is, the higher is the possibility for a person of buying an object. So if one even plans to write a book, much has to be considered about the layout of the book page for the enhanced sales of the book.

First and foremost, one has to choose the right font style for the body type of the book layout. This is very important for both the appearance of the book and for the transference of files for printing purposes. There are numerous fonts to choose from for the book, but the most common fonts are the Old style fonts that are easily readable for large body copy like Times New Roman and Baskerville. While creating the layout of the page, remember to use a contrast font for the heading. Most of the times, children’s books are set in a slab serif font. With regards to printing of the book, it is very important to ensure that all the fonts that are chosen are resident in the Windows font folder; including the italicized and bold versions. This is because some of the fonts may not be installed into the computer, thus resulting in the difficulty of printing of the material. To avoid any complications in such matters, it is better to use common book fonts like Garamond and Times New Roman.

The next thing to remember about the layout of the book page is that for the page layout to be visually appealing, and to keep the readers interested in it, it is necessary to have contrast on the pages. Use contrasting type for headings and keep them different from the body type. Make it a point to choose one justification for the book, and to stick to it. The center justification is considered to give the book layout a formal look. Left justification produces a more conservative professional look while full justification gives the book layout a clean and orderly look. Creativity always brings success to arts. In the art of writing a book, creating a unique visual element that you like, to be repeated throughout the book, gives the book a special look. This visual element could be a decorative ornament under each heading or a fancy drop cap.

Organization is very important in a page layout. So make it a point to organize your type properly by grouping things together that relate to each other. The next point to consider in a page layout is the addition of a picture or art on a page. The difference between using no pictures and a single picture is much greater than the difference between using one picture and several pictures on a page. Having a picture as a whole page background proves to be very attractive. However, the real challenge here lies in finding a picture that fits with having text on parts of it. Never compromise on the aspect of interference between structures in the picture and the text. The classic layout of a combination of text and a large picture on a page is functional, but proves to be quite boring in terms of layout. Instead, putting the picture in the center of the page and having the text waved around looks more attractive. Having a small picture on a page too is a great idea as this picture may add a lot of attraction to a text page if used wisely. The picture, preferably black and white, has to be a small object with a message. These pictures can be chosen from a wide range of hundreds of thousands of professional stock photos found at picture agencies like and

Whatever photo is chosen, make sure that there is a lot of white space on the page to let the reader give their eyes some rest. Make sure that the layout of the page is the same for each page of the book, like in all pages being left centered, right centered or centered. This is because if you mix designs, the perspective client will consider you to be unprofessional. Avoid clashing of colors of the design and the font of the page. Keep the number of colors, and fonts used in the page layout at a minimum to avoid clashing of the different colors and fonts. And most important of all, think and plan out the page layout before actually attempting to do the page layout. Using all these methods will indeed produce a page layout that will be tempting and interesting to the perspective reader of the book!

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