In the world of today, you will be hard pressed to find someone to argue that advertising is ineffective. The evidence is all around. We are bombarded with advertisements telling us how we need to have each and every product. Have you ever stopped and wondered why? The answer of course is because it works. Multinationals don’t spend millions every year to lose money, on the contrary big companies spend money because their Harvard MBA accountants tell them that they end up way ahead. The truth is that if you are not advertising you and your business are probably missing out.
At this point a number of people are probably thinking one of two things: I can’t afford to advertise for a short time and have only a few people see my ad, or they feel energized and want to take the big step and invest. The truth is you don’t need to spend a prodigious fortune to have an effective advertising campaign. As a t-shirt screen printer, I have seen people spend modest amounts of money on a creative t-shirt that they then use as the core of their campaign. This seems like a naïve attempt at advertising, but the truth is that many of my customers have told me that it is their most effective form. Think about it. Most advertisements are around for a month tops. T-shirts last for at least a few years. The people that wear them walk around and expose your business to a myriad of people every time it is worn. This translates into long term, inexpensive, effective advertising for your business.
This type of personalized advertising’s effectiveness can best be seen when compared to some of the more traditional forms. Phone books for example are being used less and less as the internet continues to establish itself evermore resolutely in both business and personal lives. Search engines are a great way to go but require time and money, and lots of both. To make it high on the sponsored links could mean paying dollars per click. The natural listings require you to pour money and time into development. I can tell you right now that anyone who is a number one on Google dedicated much more time and money than anyone who ever bought t-shirts did. Television, radio, and newspaper can get you companies name out there, but they can be very expensive, short lived, and even to an extent ineffective. If your costumers don’t or hear the ads then you have wasted a hefty sum of money.
T-shits on the other hand are inexpensive. They don’t require the hassle and time that many other forms of advertising do. Plus they have far great longevity and will walk themselves right to potential customers. An effective t-shirt campaign can take nothing more than a good design, something at least my company helps with for free, and giving them away to your friends, customers, or even strangers. From personal experience I have seen the effectiveness of this time and time again. I have the advantage of seeing these t-shirts go from idea to ad, and much to my chagrin, I often get the enjoyment of seeing people I have never met wear them. I see the advertisements around, so I know that they are effective at getting seen.
Your business could benefit greatly from advertising. Perhaps you have already considered expanding your business or your business’s advertising, or perhaps this essay has given you some motivation. In either case I urge you to consider using custom printed t-shirts in your next ad campaign.

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