If you are one of those people for whom things are just not going the way they want …. if you think that things work out wonderfully well for everyone else BUT you, then you should sit back, relax and ponder upon your situation in this light:
We have all been brought up “in comparison” to others. There is an ideal time to go to school, finish college, get married, make money, have children etc and then everything HAS to repeat itself the same way for our children and so on!
If we are ever “behind” anyone (or everyone) in achieving a certain goal, a lot of anxiety and despair comes rushing into our lives. We then desperately try all kinds of things to get to that goal, all the while worrying that it will not happen for us…and what is the result? It actually doesn’t! The more you despair for something, the more of these “wanting” vibrations will be released into the Universe and you will end up with more of “wanting” and no “gaining”.
I want you to remember that it is always a BIG mistake to judge your life by comparing it with others. Your circumstances are completely different from them…. plans and things that work for them cannot work in exactly the same way for you. By worrying about why things are not working out for you in the same way, you CREATE a reality for that time; that those things or plans are not working for you. It is all because you are defining your reality by comparing it with someone else. Some one else’s reality does not have anything to do with your reality.
Here is a better way of thinking and putting things in perspective: First and foremost, realise completely how you have acqired this state of mind. Accept that you have been comparing your reality with others and that is not taking you anywhere… they have a completely different path in life than yours. Love yourself the way you are, love your circumstances and accept that things at present are exactly as they should be. Also, allow yourself to believe that you WILL succeed although not in EXACTLY the same way that you want to. Perhaps God/Universe/Spirit wants to take you through a different path, but you WILL get there. Trust that although things may or may not turn out to be the way that you want them to, they WILL turn out in a way that is best for you. You have to be relaxed and non-judgemental for things to start working in the direction of your success. Set your OWN definitions of success, and do not base your happiness on how everything is working out for others.