Finding a writer for your online business can be a daunting task. If you’ve done your search right, you’ve probably had more writers respond to you than people who try out for American Idol (OK, probably not, but you’ve probably got 5-10). Now, how do you cull through them and decide which ones will be appropriate for your online business?

If you have a website for your online business, you need to make sure that the writer has a good knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO writing is inserting keywords into the documents that allow search engines to find them. If your documents aren’t written using SEO, then your online business will be lost in the vast labyrinth of information that exists on the Internet. Hire a writer who understands search engine optimization and your online business will have a better chance of being found.

Once you’ve dropped the writers who don’t know how to use SEO, start to look at the writing samples that they’ve sent you. This part should be almost entirely subjective, and based on the kind of impression about your online business you want to leave readers with. If there are enough grammar mistakes to make it objective, well, I think you know where to put their file. What you’re looking for is a voice that you are comfortable with. This person will actually be the one communicating with the clients of your online business, so you have to make sure that their voice will be a good front-man (or woman). You’re probably going to want someone warm, friendly and a bit funny. Find someone who will charm your clients and convince them to buy something from your online business.

Another consideration is the writer’s ability to write in many different genres and in several different voices. He is the writer, but you are still in charge of how the written pieces come out. If you can find a writer for your online business who can be directed to write in a specific voice and consistently produces results, you’ve found a gold mine.

The resume is the least important part of a writer’s application when they are being hired to do short, freelance projects, which is probably what they’ll be doing for your online business. It’s a good way to break ties between people whose writing samples you liked equally, though. When you’re looking at a resume, you want to see a person who’s done a lot of writing, obviously. Here again, you want to make sure that this writing is not just in the area that you need work done in; people who can write in a number of genres are more likely to be able to adapt to the specific needs of your online business. Also, make sure to call the references and previous employers. People may look good on paper, but actually working with them can be another story.

The writer that you choose will be the voice of your company. You don’t want someone who writes like a Dilbert character representing your online business. Also, you don’t want someone you can’t work with writing for you, so it’s usually a good idea to have a phone interview.. The writer you choose for your online business has to be the best you can afford. Nothing less than the best will be good enough.

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