NLP and Hypnotherapy are fast growing must-have skills these days. However, in a market where practically anyone can call themselves a practitioner, how do you know that the company or individual training you, is professionally qualified and skilled in the area of expertise. Do you know how to tell the difference between Joe Bloggs off the street who’s spent a few hours reading books on the subject in comparison to the major trainers who have really invested their time and knowledge in the stuff?

I work for a company called People Building, who provide NLP and Hypnotherapy training in London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. I would like to share with you the experience I had when looking for an NLP and Hypnotherapy Trainer.

When I decided that I wanted to do the training course, I began my search for a trainer, as many people do, on the internet. I didn’t realise quite how many NLP and Hypnotherapy Trainers there were out there! Even just throughout Herts, Beds, Bucks and London, the Google pages were littered. My main priorities at the time were to find a training course that offered both NLP and Hypnotherapy within the one course, that fitted in with my budget, that were fairly local to me in Hertfordshire. It turned out that a very popular ex stage hypnotist had teamed up with one of the significant figures of NLP and was running a course in London. However, to do both the NLP and Hypnotherapy training course was almost double the money I had available. Later, a friend I had met at a Tony Robbins event, said that they had done the NLP training course with that particular company, and that the group sizes were enormous. This meant that if someone felt confused or unsure at any point, it was difficult for them to put up their hand and ask questions. They also said that the training course had taught “mainly the unconscious mind.” Which meant that they had learnt everything they needed to know, they just didn’t know that they knew it. I eventually found a training course, but it was very far from home. It turned out to be quite an adventure and I met many new friends. My only complaint was that I felt I had only been given the tip of the iceberg, I came away wanting more, much, much more. And the more fellow NLPer’s I met, the more than me, they seemed to know. I ended up re-doing my NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings (so I paid twice as much as I’d wanted to after all!)

Now I’m qualified as a Trainer myself, and I run an NLP and Hypnotherapy Training school that provides training courses throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and London. Obviously, my style isn’t for everyone, not everybody will like me, but I thought that what would be useful for everyone, is for my website to be a useful resource for anyone who is planning on doing NLP or Hypnotherapy training courses. That’s why I have included on there all of our course contents, what to look for in a trainer, and what to look for in a training course. So to whet your appetite, here are a few tips, but please visit our website for more.

• They should be a qualified master practitioner and hold a trainers certification so that they can legitimately certify their students.

• The trainers certification should be recognised by an accrediting body such as the ABNLP or BBNLP.

• They should be approachable and fit in with who you are as a person.

• They should have good rapport with their audience.

• A sense of fun.

• You should feel convinced that they deliver value.

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