Brand New SEO Software Has Web Hosts Everywhere SCREAMING…
“Cut The Bandwidth…Quick!”
Uncover The Brutally Effective SEO Software That “Average Joes and Janes” Are Using To – Quickly and Easily Blow Up Their Bank Accounts, Explode Their Traffic, and Triple Their Sales – With Little Or No Extra Work…
Version 4.0 Just Released!

From: Brad Callen
Indianapolis, IN
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Dear Traffic Seeker,
It’s become the ‘secret weapon’ of choice these days…
…And anyone can have it!
You see…what you’re about to discover is far more than the latest software.
It’s a piece of cutting-edge technology powered by the cries of regular people just like you and me who were sick and tired of being kicked around the internet by their competition and the “big” SEO firms.
I say “big” because after I released this software to the world, a whole lot of things have changed online because…
Big SEO Firms Have Lost Their Iron Grip!
They no longer control the masses – they no longer control YOU.
…Because this incredible software has empowered the average person, any person, including you…to take command and control your internet traffic with just a few clicks of your mouse!
Imagine this ‘secret weapon’ at your fingertips helping YOU get to the top of Google, Yahoo, and MSN much quicker than any other way, and here’s undeniable video proof…
It defies belief, but this could be YOUR reality sooner than you think cos…
This Secret Weapon Is The Missing Link!
Perhaps the skeptic in you is violently protesting…
“Brad, cut the crap. There’s no way my checks and sales reports are gonna look like yours!”
I feel ya.
It seems like only yesterday when I felt like throwing in the towel because my checks just wouldn’t get any bigger no matter how much harder I tried!
Trying Is NOT The Answer…
I’ve walked a mile in your shoes before, so I know exactly how downright frustrating it is to ‘try’ and keep ‘trying’.
Fact: The key to HUGE checks and windfalls of profit is really MORE traffic!
Think about it…
Having all the traffic you want allows you to make all the profits you want.
It’ll make marketing your products and services seem almost effortless – you’ll know exactly how and who to promote your products to… you’ll be able to beat every other internet marketer out there at their own game without having to resort to shady programs or having to compete to be noticed and

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