Conquer Your Fear! Learn To Be Confident In Public Speech

In public speaking, fear maybe viewed as negative leading to ineffective communication. This is the tendency if you predict bad situations. Fear can be easily seen through physical manifestations: hands cold and clammy, rumbling speech, slouching and unwanted movements.

In public speaking, fear comes from the “fear of the unknown.” Most people are afraid of not being liked, offending someone, forgetting everything, of stumbling and falling or ruining the effort.

But f…

Improving How You Speak In Public

Feeling less confident when speaking in public? Here are some tips to boost your confidence in public speaking.

Tip no. 1. You should have eye contact with the audience all the time.

Tip no. 2. You should just relax. You know now by heart what you intend to say. Just do it.

Tip no. 3. If you can, use visual aids. This could help the people listening to you understand more of what you want to say. They get your concepts in an instant. Keep your visual aids simple. If,…

Long Copy Sucks And Other Heresies

I recently finished a massive study of profitable and unprofitable sites. The average length of the profitable site’s sales letter was 1.8 pages. The average length of the unprofitable site’s sales letter was 2 pages.

Shorter ad copy was more profitable on average than long copy.

Of course that is heresy. Many, many famous copywriters swear by long copy. Still… the study was valid and it is a fact… known profitable sites had shorter copy than known less profitable sites…

Six Sigma And Online Training

While nothing can exceed the breadth, depth, and quality of direct in-person training, various factors can make it inconvenient. If your organization is serious about Six Sigma training, but find it difficult to get everyone together for instructor-led training, then an online Six Sigma course is a worthy alternative. An online training program can give your organization more flexibility and even reduce your training costs.

Online training has been shown to be useful for m…