The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: 6 Ways To Reduce 55% Of Your Daily Workload

Here are 6 things you can accomplish TODAY by switching to a fully-automated registration system:

1. Stop shuffling data.
If you use Excel spreadsheets and/or Access databases to organize your data, then you have the ongoing task of transferring and compiling data to get the totals you need for your event. Eliminate these ongoing hassles by using a computerized system that automatically compiles and tallies all of your data for you… in real-time.

2. Eliminate man…

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: 7 Ways To Cut Down Customer Service Issues

7 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW with a Fully-Automated System to Improve Your Customer Service:

1. Get contact info right the first time.
There’s nothing more frustrating to a registrant than when an event organizer gets their information wrong. Each instance in your process where you manually enter or transfer data poses a risk for making errors. Using an automated system, which has everything built-in (online registration, accounting, badge printing), eliminates all data …

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: 8 Surefire Ways To Attract 20% More Attendees

8 Ways an automated system makes it easier for attendees, giving you MORE REGISTRATIONS:

1. Provide 24 hour, anywhere access.
Give prospective registrants anytime/anywhere access to your event information so that they can easily find, refer back to, and recommend your event to others. An automated system increases the ease of access, enhancing the chances of people making a decision to attend your event.

2. Auto-fill information and steer attendees to your goal.
Make …

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: The 8 Most Important Features Of Automated Systems

8 features of online registration systems which will improve your events TODAY:

1. Automated
Many systems include over 15 standard email communications that can be customized, personalized and automated. Data is automatically collected in a database and at your fingertips for an unlimited number of reports; and downloadable in six different formats.

2. Integrated
Online events are easily integrated with ad hoc emails via built-in mail systems, online surveys, dona…

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: The Trick That Doubles Client Satisfaction By Doing Less

We all know that communication is the most important component in any relationship; and that can be applied to business as well. The more timely the information provided to your clients, colleagues and suppliers; the smoother your event will run and the happier everyone involved in your event will be.

Think about it: if you had a vested interest in the success or operation of anything: a company, an event, or an investment and you didn’t have the proper information to make…

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: Automate These 7 Things To Increase Attendance By 27%

Seven Ways to Increase Event Attendance by 27% RIGHT NOW with a Fully-automated System:

1. Send email invitations along with snail mail.
Due to the costs and hassles of mail, increasing invitation frequency is not economical. With broadcast email you can schedule perfectly timed invitations to go out in sequence. Giving you more opportunity to attract registrants. An automated system automatically emails your registrants whenever you want it to.

2. Receive commitments …

Irresistible Event Registrations: How To Overcome Objections About Value

Your Title is Key

Grab them at “hello” by starting with an event title that captures the key benefit of attending… “Eliminate 80% of Registration Hassles with Online Registration.” If you get their excitement flowing right away, they will seek out reasons to support that feeling instead of being skeptical as they read on.

“How others have benefited from attending this event:”

Testimonials are a great way to give credibility to the benefits of your program. Collect an…

Irresistible Event Registrations: How To Overcome Objections About Relevancy

Your prospects want to know that your program is tailored to the problems they are experiencing today. Then they want to know that you have the most cutting-edge solutions to solve their problems. How can you express to them that your event will meet their needs fully?

Provide a Complete Agenda

Help your prospects understand that your program will address the problems they are experiencing today by including a detailed blow-by-blow agenda. The more depth you show in you…

Irresistible Event Registrations: How To Overcome Objections About Credibility

How can you build a relationship with people who object to registering for your event based on your credibility? Here are a few suggestions on improving the way your prospects view your event.

The Power of Credibility

When your event is either completely new to the market or you are trying to reach out to a new audience, establishing up front credibility with your audience is important. Even if your event is well-established, re-enforcement of its credibility will help …