Why Do We Quit?

Giving examples of why home businesses don’t work or why people don’t take advantage of the tools to succeed.

3 Steps To Getting Highly Motivated Prospects Or Customers

With the many ways to advertise, it is easy to sometimes be in a rush to just get something out somewhere. But, no matter where you plan to advertise, there are several basic fundamentals that will help create advertisements that are effective and profitable. Here are three that will get you headed in the right direction.

1. First on the check list is; is your unique selling position (USP) clear and provoking?

You need to find out what makes your business different from…

10 Quick Tips For Creating A profitable List

Building and maintaining a high quality list of subscribers is vital to any marketers success. Let’s go over some of the most important steps you need to take to ensure you build a profitable list:

Affiliate Marketing – The Basics

Imagine that you could earn commissions on a popular brand-name product just by placing a link on your website or in your email. That, my friends, is “Affiliate Marketing”!

OK… So it’s not quite that simple, but it doesn’t have to be much more complicated either.

Let’s start with a few definitions. An advertiser, or merchant, is the company who is selling a product. An affiliate, sometimes referred to as a publisher or partner, is another person or company who assist…

Finding A Work At Home Telemarketing Job

Many of us have been fooled by the latest work at home hype that is popular today. This can be very disheartening when trying to start a new career. You may even wonder if there really is any legitimate work at home telemarketing jobs out there.

Finding Your Niche In The Business World

Who am I and what do I love to do? Well, isn’t this the twenty million dollar question! A more appropriate question might be “Who was I and what did I love to do?”

As you search to find yourself, and what it is you love to do, you may find the task harder than you thought it would be. Try to think about your childhood. Can you remember what thrilled you as a child? Like many people you’ve probably forgotten what brought try joy and excitement to your essence.

Children i…