As entrepreneurial enterprises are concerned, opening a restaurant is by far one of the hardest endeavors to undertake. While the rate of restaurant failure isn’t nearly as bad as it’s purported to be, restaurants do fail at a much higher rate than many other types of self starter business. For that matter, even franchised restaurants (usually the smaller “fast food” variety) have a failure rate just a few percentage points below self starters.

So what, you may ask, can entrepreneurs do to increase their chances for success?

Here are three tips to succeeding in the restaurant business that successful owners adhere to. The first of these is location. Yes, there are some restaurants located in out of the way areas that do succeed on word of mouth, but those instances compared to the instances of restaurants failing because they are in bad locations are miniscule by percentage. The safest bet is to always make sure there is plenty of traffic where you want to open up. Established areas are best, but consequently, most expensive. Don’t get in over your head with a lease that will bury your chances for success from the get-go, but don’t choose an out of the way location because it is cheap. Try to find some middle ground.

The next tip is to concentrate on solely on the things that will make people want to come in, and more importantly, want to come back. I know this sounds a little too simple, but it involves a lot more than just good food and a nice atmosphere. The key is to turn out great food, provide a great atmosphere and to have exceptional customer service, day in and day out. Whether you run a sandwich shop or a high end bistro, getting these three elements together and doing so consistently is paramount to success.

The third tip is to find and culminate good business relationships with your suppliers. Having a supply chain you can count on will allow you to concentrate on what’s important, which is running your business while at your business. You’ll need to find food distributors and a restaurant supply distributor you can count on. Food distributors that are able to deliver on time and are committed to bringing you quality products every time will help you to produce consistently good food that your customers want and eventually come to expect. A good restaurant supply company can make all the difference between having a smooth operation that allows you to run you’re back of house effectively and having to deal with subparts equipment.

Of course, there is a lot more to the restaurant business than these basics, but in the end, the basics are what separate successful restaurants from failed restaurants.

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