To get good web traffic, you need to submit your website to the search engines. However, this alone will not guarantee that your site will receive a good steady flow of visitors. You really must work to get your website recognized. It is best to focus your efforts on the important search engines rather than chasing traffic from all search engines.
If the web search engines do not have your site indexed, then it might as well not exist. You will probably get some traffic through referrals, but this will not be enough to guarantee the success of your site. You cannot afford to put all your time and effort into making the perfect site. No matter how much effort you put into getting your site just right, including that flashy flash intro and the extensive links page complete with animated gifs, without traffic your time has been wasted.
You will need to ensure you allocate some time to promoting your site. The first search engine you need to focus on is Google. There are a great many search engines on the web but the reality today is it comes down to just one: Google. It is the most popular search engine on the net and provides the most search results. Therefore, you need to ensure that your site is listed on Google.
Of course, Yahoo is important too. Once you are listed in Google, you then focus on getting listed on Yahoo. If you can get a good, high rating in these two web search engines, you will most probably receive good volumes of traffic to your site. The third search engine I would consider is MSN Search. None of the other free web search engines have the ability to provide you with the volume of visitors that these three can. Therefore, there is no need to put time into ensuring your site is indexed with them or ranks well.
The best way to ensure that your website gets a lot of traffic is to have a high search engine rank, especially in Google. When your website has a high search engine rank, it will appear within the first few pages of results returned by Google, Yahoo, MSN, and others. This can make a significant difference to the number of visitors that go to your website.
Just think about the way you conduct your own searches. When you enter a term into Google, you probably click most of the links on the first page of results, and a few on the second page. Do you ever make it as far as page seven or page 10? It’s not likely. So you can see why a good search engine rank is critical to the success of your business.
Websites that have a high search engine rank have a couple of characteristics in common. First, they feature pages and pages of relevant content. This means if you’re selling accounting services, you should have a lot of articles about accounting, taxes, and bookkeeping. When you do this, your website will naturally contain numerous keywords that people searching for accounting services would enter into Google, Yahoo, etc.
The more keywords you have, the better your search engine rank. Another characteristic of successful websites is the number of links they have to and from other sites. When other websites link to yours and when you link to others, it makes your website appear more important, relevant, and legitimate. This results in a higher search engine rank.
At this point, you might be thinking to yourself that only fantastic marketers are able to achieve a high search engine rank for their websites. That’s not entirely true. Since a good search engine rank is so critical to web-based businesses these days, there are a lot of companies that specialize in getting you the best placement possible. They can provide you with original, targeted content for your site; give you tips on how to effectively market your site; and submit your URL to Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other engines for consideration. If they do their job the right way, you’ll have a prime search engine rank within a few months.
The importance of a high search engine rank shouldn’t be underestimated. Before you start selling on the Internet, you should consider hiring professionals to help you quickly achieve good placement for your website. The difference between appearing on the first page or the tenth could literally amount to tens of thousands of dollars, so do what you have to in order to get a high search engine rank as soon as possible.