People looking to promote their web sites online or to make careers, or at least second incomes, from Internet marketing are flocking to the Rich Jerk. There are many so-called information products available on the Internet and the Rich Jerk seems to have found an audience. What makes the Rich Jerk so different may lie in the things he leaves out. Where many other products are wordy and packed with filler the Rich Jerk keeps things simple and apparently provides the reader with the information they have been looking for.

Compared to other similar books and products, the Rich Jerk wins in a couple of ways. First the writing style of the Rich Jerk is fun is easy to read. It has an energy and pace that keeps you interested in information that many see as technical and difficult to grasp. Second the Rich Jerk is relatively short compared to other ebooks. The information is distilled down to the bottom line and remains sufficiently informative to provide the necessary context for understanding.

What does the Rich Jerk talk about? The primary focus of this book is in the creation and promotion of information on the Internet. After all this is the information age. For those who do not feel that they’re up to creating their own information products the Rich Jerk also covers how to get involved with reputable affiliate programs that allow you to promote other products and earn what can be sizable commissions on individual sales.

The Rich Jerk covers how you can make money from displaying web pages. He covers making money with Google AdSense, how to make money with affiliate programs, and also covers hosting strategies, building web pages and search engine optimization techniques. For a beginner there are some topics in this book which will require further study, but as a template and a guide this book should fit the needs of most readers who are trying to develop income on the Internet.

The Rich Jerk also includes detailed pages on individual subjects like search engine cloaking, web addresses for the top affiliate management sites, Pay Per Click Search Engines, eBay stores and how to set up your own product on the popular service, ClickBank. Most readers will probably want to print their own copy after downloading it from the website. As a reference source, the Rich Jerk is recommended reading with a highlighter handy.

The real point is that the Rich Jerk cuts to the chase. You get the information you’re looking for. You actually get a plan. You get the details and you see how they fit together. That’s something that makes the Rich Jerk a very unique product in a sea of information products. While there may be other ebooks that cover individual topics in more depth, few provide the broad information of the Rich Jerk in a format that is easy to comprehend. Readers planning on creating their own information products, or those looking to be an affiliate marketer should consider the Rich Jerk as information that is timely and important.

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