The easy way to multiply your income

If you’ve got a website and have attracted some good traffic to it, you will probably be feeling pleased with yourself.

However, you may still be missing out on a chance to triple your sales (or more!).

Think of all those people who visit your site just once and never return again. How powerful would it be if you could capture their email addresses and build a mailing list?

Let me also ask you, would you rather buy from personal recommendation or from a stranger? Of course, most of us feel more comfortable buying from someone we feel we know.

Maybe you should consider getting an Auto Responder for your website. Autoresponders can send out automatic replies and pre-written emails after having recieved an email. They can also be set up to send out a preset sequence of emails.

Auto Responders offer a great opportunity to build a relationship with the visitors to your site. After building that relationship over several days or weeks, studies have shown that you are more than five or six times as likely to make a sale!

Consider how powerful that could be when you find or develop a new product, you have a list of subscribers who trust you and know that you are an expert in your field. Now you’re personally recommending them your product, rather than selling, your sales will literally take off.

If you’re not building a list of your customers, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity!

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