Design For Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is the application of Six Sigma principles to the design of products and their manufacturing and support processes. Whereas Six Sigma by definition focuses on the production phase of a product, DFSS focuses on research, design, and development phases. DFSS combines many of the tools that are used to improve existing products or services and integrates the voice of the customer and simulation methods to predict new process and product performance.

Factors Influencing Label Printer Pricing

If you are in the market to hire a professional label printer, you have probably noticed that prices can vary a great deal among the various printers. Why will one label printer charge more than another? What influences the prices offered by a label printer? Let us look at a few factors influencing label printer prices.

Marketing Systems that Work

Most companies do not get enough sales leads. This lead starvation kills salespeople and sales revenues. Some ignore lead generation, some companys rely on partners, some go to trade shows, and others just work on existing customers. And still others have sophisticated systems in place that produce a steady stream of quality leads. Companies that are weak in lead generation are at risk. A competitor can grab market share using smart tactics. Putting a simple, bare bones marketing system in place, that produces fresh leads, is possible. If a business is getting very few sales leads this paper is for you.

Six Sigma Jobs

The demand for people with Six Sigma expertise is constantly increasing. More and more organizations are discovering the many ways that the Six Sigma methodology can help them grow and improve. As Six Sigma spreads to many different industries beyond its genesis in manufacturing, you can now find many service and government organizations advertising for Six Sigma help. Plus, it is no longer the largest corporations looking for Six Sigma help. Smaller companies also are taking…

Precision Engineering: More Competitive Than Ever Before!

Precision Engineering in the UK has had numerous setbacks in recent years, and has suffered large losses across the whole of the industry. However, it has used these hard times to turn itself into a highly competitive sector of business that can be in demand throughout the world.

Precision Engineers: Endangered Species?

Precision Engineers are a dying breed, with fewer and fewer people going into engineering in the UK and other time served engineers leaving the industry to do something else. There will be a serious shortage of engineers in the not too distant future unless the problem is addressed sooner rather than later.

Printpad cuts the cost of labelling

Companies printing barcode labels in-house no longer have to tie-up PCs just to run their label printers, thanks to PrintPad, a dedicated barcode printing terminal.

Verifiers first to meet new standards

PSC’s bar code verification equipment is claimed the first in the world to conform with the newly established European CEN and ISO bar code quality standards.