If you’re receiving many internet marketing newsletters at all right now, you’re probably hearing about new private label articles at least every couple weeks. They’re the hot way to build sites quickly and look like an expert, earn AdSense income, etc.

But do they really work that well?

So much depends on the quality of the articles themselves. I’ve bought private label articles myself. Some were great. Others were pure, unusable junk that got basic facts wrong. All from the same private label article site. So much depends on the particular writer assigned to the topic.

Now, I’m the kind who likes to be unique, so I was rewriting quite extensively. In fact, I dropped my membership on realizing that I was spending quite a bit of time rewriting. The articles I got were often little more than research or inspiration for me. The title alone was enough in some cases.

Of course, I’m not everyone. Lots of people don’t enjoy writing, so for them private label articles are a wonderful addition to their business. I’d still suggest making a few changes, and definitely check for accuracy.

There are some factors you need to consider when choosing a resource for private label articles. Accuracy, as mentioned above, is quite important, as is the quality of writing. You don’t have to be a good writer to recognize good writing.

However, you also need to take a look at the terms of the website. What are the rules for using the articles? What if you quit? How many other members can there be?

I started writing this article after getting an email advertising a new turnkey private label article membership site. It’s limited in its membership, but I wonder what restrictions there are for members offering membership to the sites they run using this technology. Are the articles all the same for everyone?

Since you know that others will have the chance to use the private label articles you buy with a membership, you need to consider how many others you might be competing with. On average, most members will do nothing with the articles they get on these sites, but some articles and subjects will prove more popular than others. Since you can’t know in advance, you want to be certain that membership is limited and the articles aren’t being distributed across several different private label sites.

Is there any way to be sure of this? Not really. The best you can do is find out what others think of the membership you are considering. Honest opinions can be hard to come by, so take a little time with your research. You can also take a look at the guarantee, and be ready to use it if the articles are honestly not what you needed.

Do I have a favorite private label article site? No, so I won’t be pitching one here myself. I was a member of one for a while, but as I said, quality ranged from good to poor. I might try one again in the future, but for now it’s an area I’ll leave alone.

They are a good way to get content for your site, certainly easier and cheaper than hiring a writer. But make certain that you know how you are going to use the articles and make the most of your investment.

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